Webinar · Explore sources of funding for start-ups: EIC Accelerator
- Date: May 14th, 2020 | 11:00h CEST
- Duration: 1h
- Language: English
- Partner(s) organiser: AeroSpace Valley & IPN
- Collaborators:
- Speakers:
- Fabienne Daveran from Aerospace Valley
- Aurelie Baker from AeroSpace Valley
- Carla Duarte from Instituto Pedro Nunes
- Objective: The main objectives are:
- To provide startups ans SME with key contact within the network and to facilitate funding
- Widely diffuse the funding opportunities for space-related startups and SMEs
- Promote European SME Instrument
- Support SMEs to maximise the available public funding opportunities in space
- Support SMEs in private fund raisingSupport SMEs in private fund raising
- Topic: Several supports exist on the European stage to help SMEs from the Space sector funding their innovation projects. This webinar will focus EIC Accelerator (previously know as SME Instrument). EIC Accelerator is part of the European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot that supports top-class innovators, entrepreneurs, small companies and scientists with funding opportunities and acceleration services.
The EIC Accelerator supports high-risk, high-potential small and medium-sized enterprises and innovators to help them develop and bring onto the market new innovative products, services and business models that could drive economic growth.